i'm on adsl with 51.2 kB/s or 512 kb/s (with iinet) which seems much
slower then your connection, i agree with another opinion to use
power surge protection or uninterupted power / ups box (with battery
in it) if you need 24h/7 connection,
i normally disonnect my powerbook in the times i'm away or at night
24h/7 allows you to use skype or ichat for phone calls, you may check
aswell if you can have a internet phone line (eg my 62625707 is an
internet phone) runs cheaper than normal lines & can be use w/o
computer just the modem (&all the electronic to the dish) with the
phone line socket has to be powered all the time
cheers James
On 28/07/2006, at 16:14, Philip Trouchet wrote:
Advice please, > Living in a rural area I have taken plunge & gone
Satellite both ways with BorderNet under old HIBIS scheme. As a
Telstra customer because I was on ISDN modem which was only faster
ADSL available at the time on old pre war copper where if line went
down it was probably because a cow somewhere had nibbled the cable.
Because I had ISDN Telstra could not give me Satellite under
subsidy as Telstra policy! No wonder big whale Telstra is being
devoured by all the rabid small shark companies out there. I've
been offered , Wireless, Other broadband ,Optus etc. virtually
every 2nd week.
result > Brilliant !!. 2 hours to install dish, Immediate
connection. No internet connect just open a browser > Safari.
Firefox whatever. Connection speeds kbps 237.32 KB/s 29.67 what
ever that means but a damn sight faster than before. I save
SAD Technic
Video Productions, Electronic repairs
U3 / 6 Chalkley Pl
Bayswater WA 6053
+618 9370 5307,+618 6262 5707, 0414 421 132
skype: barleeway