On 10/08/2006, at 11:38 PM, Rosemary Horton wrote:
I have a number of websites hosted with mdwebhosting, up to now fine.

They've asked me to do the following next time I have trouble..obviously windows stuff. Waht's the mac equivalent?

If the problem still persist Kindly provide us result of following :
Start>>run>>cmd>>tracert wasla.asn.au
Start>>run>>cmd>>telnet mail.wasla.asn.au 110
Start>>run>>cmd>>telnet mail.wasla.asn.au 25
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require further information.

Almost exactly the same... just replace "start>run>cmd" with "Launch Terminal (found inside Applications/Utilities)" and then run the tracert and telnet commands as stated... although tracert may need to be changed to traceroute

Nicholas Pyers  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

          "Heaven on Earth?"
          "No, Earth on Earth.  The Just Earth!"