Hi, there shouldn't be a problem opening Word documents from any source in Pages, Apple's present word processing programme, but you would find it much easier to have Office 2004, which is the most recent Microsoft version for the Mac, in terms of opening all sorts of office documents.

There is no 'works' equivalent for Macs now, its the full version, or stick with Apples ' iWork' package, which has two applications, Pages and Keynote (presentation software). The iWork package is much cheaper than buying Office, of course.

You won't need a separate translation programme in either case.

I'm not sure what will happen to your Appleworks documents - hopefully someone else on the list can help. It might be a good idea to translate them using Maclink plus to Office documents before trying to use them on your new machine. Sounds like it might be an idea to hang on to your old Mac until you are sure that everything works on the new one.

cheers, susan.
On 17/08/2006, at 11:25 AM, Dick Anderson wrote:

I have one of the first iMacs, OS 8.6, I think about 2000 and am thinking of
upgrading to a new one.
The only serious problem I've had until recently has been getting Microsoft e-mail attachments which I can't open in Appleworks. Using Maclink plus
sometimes works but never very well.
Presumably, if I get Microsoft Office for Mac that will be OK, but not if I
only get iWorks.
Alsp with a new Mac OSX, will documents etc I've created on my old iMac with Appleworks and transferred to the new one automatically open when I use the
office for Works, or will I still be stuck with a translater?


Dick Anderson

R A Anderson,
65 Dalkeith Rd.,
Western Australia, 6009
(08) 9386 4405

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