IF I upgrade my OS 8.5 iMac to a new Tiger iMac, I'd want to transfer my
documents, data-bases and spreadsheets created on Appleworks 5.03. I'm
prepared to buy Office works for Mac.if that would do the trick. Apple
support didn;t gve me much help ("it might be possible").
One suggestion would be to use Appleworks 6, which is native to OSX, but
then I wouldn't be able to read attachments written in Word etc, which is
the thing that has annoyed me with my old system.
I also believe that Panther was able to read this (and other software for
Classic macs) but this has been discontinued. - perhaps I should look
around for a Panther iMac!!
I'm very frustrated, I was dreaming that with a new iMac, I could read all
the e-mail attachments I get, while still keeping all my data from the old
Dudley Gager suggested I use Neooffice to read Microsoft files and use
Appleworks for most ue, but it seems a bit inelegant!! Will Appleworks6
still read the older version of Appleworks
Any suggestions, please?

Dick Anderson