
Try this:

Dial-up -> G5 -> Turn on internet sharing on G5 -> Ethernet from G5 - > Airport base station -> Airport -> iMac

Turn on internet sharing in Tiger
System Preferences -> Sharing -> Internet
Share your connection from: Dial-up
To computers using: Ethernet

Hope this helps


On 21/08/2006, at 4:47 PM, Chris Burton wrote:

Hi everyone

Im in a bit of a bind with trying to network an imac (intel) with a G5 that is connected to dialup internet. I have just moved south to Busselton where I was told literally weeks prior to the move, that broadband adsl was definitely available to our house. We got here and I went to telstra to be connected and was told that the Busso exchange had run out of broadband ports, and that I had to wait for either someone to leave and relinguish their connection or wait for telstra to update the exchange! Which ever comes first! Now I understand what country people have to put up with.

I was offered a dialup connection ( not nice after high speed cable in Perth). I now have this and am wondering how I can set up a network from my G5 tower to an imac in the next room so both can access the internet? can someone offer any help in this regard?

I had previously bought a belkin wireless router to use for the adsl broadband connection I was promised by telstra. My G5 has a modem but not airport, the imac has airport and no modem. I also have an airport base station that I have used with my powerbook for playing music through my stereo. Im not sure how to proceed here with these options?

Thank you for any help

kind regards


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Paul van der Mey
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