I have a question to ask, on behalf of someone else. Here is what he writes:

"Do we have any computer folks on that might be able to help me get some
files off a disk I 'fixed'? I am using an Apple G4, 867 MHz, OSX 10.4.7
I ran a copy of Tech Tool Deluxe 2001 and did not realize it was not for
OSX. Tried Apple Disk utility and Disk Warrior 3.0.1. The disk shows up
under Disk Utility and Warrior but will not mount and Disk Utility
gives: Invalid B-tree Node size. Any of you using Apple OSX 10.4 know a
way to get in to the disk in Terminal mode? For you windows experts OSX
is a Unix Kernel. I need to copy off some files then can reformat the disk."

If anyone can help, send the reply to me and I will forward it.


Pat Scott