Hi everyone,

I have access to a number of cheap second hand Dual 2GHz G5 Xserves as well
as a number of Spare Parts Kits (spare logic board, fans etc) suitable for
these machines.

I plan on selling some of these on eBay but before I list them all on eBay
I'm sending this message to the various MUGs first to see if either the
groups or any of their members may be interested in getting any at a reduced
price to what I will be charging on eBay. To give you an idea of the savings
I will list below the approximate original Retail Prices based on my memory,
the price I will charge on eBay and the price for MUGs.

Original retail prices:
Dual G5 2 GHz Xserve's with 1 GB Memory nearly $5000
Dual G5 2 GHz Xserve's with 2 GB Memory nearly $6000
Dual G5 2 GHz Xserve's with 4 GB Memory nearly $8000
G5 Xserve Spare Parts Kit nearly $1700

The prices I'll be charging on eBay:
Dual G5 2 GHz Xserve's with 1 GB Memory $3200
Dual G5 2 GHz Xserve's with 2 GB Memory $3600
Dual G5 2 GHz Xserve's with 4 GB Memory $4000
G5 Xserve Spare Parts Kit $1000

The price for MUGs & their members:
Dual G5 2 GHz Xserve's with 1 GB Memory $2800
Dual G5 2 GHz Xserve's with 2 GB Memory $3200
Dual G5 2 GHz Xserve's with 4 GB Memory $3600
G5 Xserve Spare Parts Kit $800

This is a one off special offer. If interested please contact me ASAP and
I'll put whatever anyone's interested in aside, otherwise they will all be
sold on eBay. You can contact me directly using the mail address in my sig
but you only have a few days to decide before I list them on eBay.


All the best

Greg Sharp
Australian Mac Users Group (AUSMUG)