
As Robert said if possible remove as much data as you can! Don't try to move
a lot of files in one go, this may cause more problems!

SMART is an industry specification fitted to 99% of hard drives for probably
4/5 years. It basically keeps track of the hard-drive, reading errors,
writing errors and temperature etc. It is 'meant' to tell you when a
hard-drive will supposedly fail as a warning. I've had a few occasions where
it has told me the drive is about to die and then lived till I stopped using
it.(I've never had a hard-drive fail yet.. *Dave hits wood against head..) 

Once you get one error message get the most crucial data backed up ASAP and
trundle along..

Once you have data off maybe consider formatting the drive and then slowly
using it for the odd task were a hard-drive failure wouldn't be too bad.

If you have two hard drives try and think about the hard-drives. In this PC
(New job = New 24" iMac) I have three hardrives, two are in a RAID Striping
for supposedly extra power/speed and the next a large 250GB drive for data.
I send all downloads to the C: drive and then this try's to remove some
stress and running off the main crucial data drive.

I seem to have rambled and gone around in circles 0000 there but hopefully
someone can make head and or tail of it, with a circle in the middle..

Thanks, David Moyle
Manjimup, Western Australia

-----Original Message-----
From: WAMUG Mailing List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris
Sent: Thursday, 19 October 2006 10:15 AM
To: WAMUG Mailing List
Subject: hard disk crash

Hi all

Im not happy. My internal backup 200gb hard disk on my G5 has had it  
I think.
A message appears within disk utility saying for me to back up now as  
the SMART system is failing.
Can someone inform me on SMART and tell me if there is anything I can  
do to save the drive or is it a recycle job?

kind regards


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