On 11/11/2006, at 9:54 PM, Reg Whitely wrote:

Hi David

On 11 Nov 2006, at 9:25pm, David Moyle wrote:


I'm currently using Outlook 2003, send it to me and see if we have issues.

Also what are other people's thoughts on Apple Mail, I've heard from a lot of people that they find it buggy and a basic hard to use interface and
prefer to use Mozilla's Thunderbird...

I've used Apple Mail almost since it arrived! I've never used Mac Outlook or Entourage so can't comment on them. Also I've not used Thunderbird.

I've found Mail to be great, simple and bug free. Certainly, check the "Send Windows Friendly Attachments" box. Why not?

It's a good, friendly, lightweight and simple email app.


I like Reg have been using Apple Mail & Address Book since they originated. Both have improved with every update and work so well together & with all other iLife applications.

Paul's comments:

The attachment prob was similar to this thread's and the effect was unnecessary embarrassment when dealing with Windows users, a bad look really.

You would probably find the Windows recipient was using Windows Outlook with has always had problems handling attachments. Which Microsoft has been slow in fixing. I have found inserting attachments within/between message text with Tiger Mail's RTF along with including a signature can cause problems with some email clients - primarily with Windows Outlook. Attaching the attachment below all message text & signature seems to solve the Windows opening problem.

Address Book bugged us too, the main issue was how it takes it upon itself to modify entries. If a friend is called Simon it would insist on calling them "Simon simon". It sorts them based on the surnames too I think, which also peeved us. I was never sure if I sent an email to Simon if it arrived addressed to Simon simon or just Simon.

You can change Address Book Preferences.
Address Book > Preferences > General:

Sort by : First name or  Last name

Display Order: First Name Last Name
                 or      Last Name First Name

