Well here it is straight from the horse's mouth:

Account Edge version 6 multi-user issue

We wish to advise that we are no longer selling network
licences for MYOB AccountEdge. This applies to all versions
for both new and existing customers. Existing customers
can however continue to receive support for their product
over a network.

MYOB recognised that we were not providing an ideal network
solution in MYOB AccountEdge due to limitations in its
response time over a network, which is why we have come to
this decision.

We are still committed to providing software solutions to
MAC clients and we will continue to assess market demand
for a MAC network solution in the Australian market.

Please ensure that you do not promote Account Edge as a
multi-user solution to potential clients and ensure that
they are aware of this information.

Other important points to be aware of:
* AccountEdge v6 is not compatible with Mac OS8 or OS9.
* AccountEdge v6 works on Intel chipped Macs running
  Rosetta(OSX emulation).
* MYOB is working on an native Intel solution for Macs
  at the moment.

Current clients of MYOB AccountEdge should contact
MYOB Customer Support on 1300 555 123 with any questions
or concerns.

Not so cheers,  Alex

(but where there is a will there may be a way)

On 25/11/2006, at 9:57 AM, Rod wrote:

Hi Alex,

Does this mean that the data file is single user, but two people can share the same file at the same time? Or one has to quit before the other can use it? If both can share at the same time, this would eliminate the need to parallels!



On 24/11/2006, at 11:06 PM, Alex wrote:

Hi Wamugians

One thing to be aware of is that AccountEdge requires the data file to be on a hard drive that does not belong to any of the users' Macs (this is different to Premier where it can reside on a user's machine). Therefore 3 users require 4 Macs. The data file is cross platform compatible and only needs the Windows extension of .MYO to be included in the file name to be openable by the Win programme. There is no upgrade that takes place. There is no known way of migrating the customised invoices etc to the Mac or vice versa.

I have seen an email this evening which claims that MYOB will be selling AccountEdge as a single user programme only in future but have not been able to confirm this yet. They would of course honour Premier to AccountEdge multiuser migrations.

Cheers,  Alex

On 24/11/2006, at 3:14 PM, Holipac wrote:

Just did this conversion recently.
All your data is retained. The file format is readable by Mac and PC, so I just send off my data file to my accountant, and they load it up under Windows. When I switched to Account Edge, I just opened up the existing file ... there was some kind of automated upgrade that took place, but after that the file is still readable on Mac and Windows.

Customised forms didn't make the conversion - so invoices that were setup as form layouts had to be rebuilt. Perhaps an expert could have migrated these. The functionality is basically the same - book-keepers who haven't used Account Edge before just sit down and use it.



On 24/11/2006, at 2:19 PM, Rod wrote:

Hi All!

Big question here, as I have to opportunity to swap out all our PCs at work to Macs :-)

We currently run Premier MYOB on the PC. Can I import the file into AccountEdge on the Mac? Are there a lot of things we lose in the process? Are Premier and AccountEdge quite close in features?

MYOB themselves don't seem to be a lot of help at the moment :-(


Alex Novakovic - Best Computer Accounting
MYOB Certified Consultant
Mobile: 041 990 2440
Phone: 9305 6310

"Time is a created thing. To say 'I don't have time,' is like saying, 'I don't want to.'" Lao-Tzu

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Alex Novakovic - Best Computer Accounting
MYOB Certified Consultant
Mobile: 041 990 2440
Phone: 9305 6310

"Time is a created thing. To say 'I don't have time,' is like saying, 'I don't want to.'" Lao-Tzu