On 27/11/2006, at 8:39 AM, John & Julie Thompson wrote:

From personal experience with club and society finances, I wouldn't go past Moneyworks. Moneyworks Express is quite powerful, covers GST and Salaries but not invrntory (need Gold for that), and most important, very easy to use and understand. If you want total confusion (unless you are a trained accountant) you can opt for MYOB.

I think you are being very unkind to MYOB, John. In my experience, a large percentage of business owners like the work they do but really dislike "doing the books". In the good old days we could all afford to send our stuff to accountants in the shoe box and not have to think about it. John Howard put paid to that when he introduced GST and forced us to do the books, as we should have done from day one if we were running a business anyway. I know many accountants told their clients to computerise or else go walk - they just would not have been able to handle it.

MYOB was quite probably the first business accounting package that really made it affordable for small/medium businesses to do their own thing. What used to cost $4-5,000 was reduced to about $400 and later on even less for small/simple businesses. The main thing is that the user is trained in a manner that they understand, not how the trainer wants to present it. As an example, I recently helped a lady to set up her husband's business and was training her in it's use. She was carrying on the whole time and I had really thought that I had lost her, but I kept calm and tried to show what she needed from her point of view using her work flow. A few months later I got a surprise email from her thanking me for my perseverence and stating that she thinks MYOB is the best thing since sliced bread! (I think that's a bit debatable:)).

So I am sorry you have had a bad experience with MYOB, but you certainly do not need to be a trained accountant to use it! Actually I know of some who can't use it themselves!! but that is more to do with their technophobia, I think.

Cheers,  Alex


John Thompson
On 26/11/2006, at 7:49, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hey everyone,

I'm running the books for a student society next year and need some good
accounting software for my mac. Does anyone have any pointers?


Christof S.

Alex Novakovic - Best Computer Accounting
MYOB Certified Consultant
Mobile: 041 990 2440
Phone: 9305 6310

"Time is a created thing. To say 'I don't have time,' is like saying, 'I don't want to.'" Lao-Tzu