Hi Way Muggers

Does anyone know of or had experience in software to somehow convert 2d plans (eg house plan) into a 3d model? Are some of these software packages freely available? Im just looking for something simple to get a better visual of our new house design and try to see it to scale etc.

I have been searching on the net and there seem to be many for PC's and some for Macs, but most are commercial and some are expensive.

Kind regards and thanks for any feedback

There are a few about

as others have mentioned, Sketchup is pretty good and has a free version.

You can import your floor plan then draw on top of it to create the walls and roof.
It works in 3D which you may or may not find easy?
Once modelling you can rotate, create section go inside, add textures, trees, landscaping etc. even export to a renderer.

have a look at http://www.pushpullbar.com

I have some video tutorial which show how to model off a plan. If you would like to see it I can email it to you

domus.cad has a 30 day free trial - it allows modelling using basic building elements - slabs, walls, doors windows
again you can import the sketch plan  and model on top of it.


Personally I use BoA for most of my work, they also have a free trial version, the paid version costs a bit.

just email if you need any further help


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Gary Dorn
Permaculture architect
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
integrating Permaculture , Organic Solar architecture,
Straw bale construction & Solar and wind power systems