
Unfortunately the V85 will not work with Skype.  The V85 is a SIP device and
Skype is, well, Skype.  Both use VoIP but do not interoperate.

To use the your V85 you will need to sign up with a VoIP service provider
like kmoo (www.kmoo.com.au), engin (www.engin.com.au) or MyNetFone.  One
free service I know of is Free World Dialup (FWD) but it doesn't allow you
to make "off net" calls.

The SIP proxy your phone keeps asking for is a VoIP server that switches any
calls you make.  FYI, SIP stands for session initiation protocol and is the
most popular standard for VoIP.  Skype is proprietary.  However, there are
quite a few USB handsets and other devices that work with Skype.  Check out
the Skype web site for info on them.



> From: David Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2006 20:37:11 +0900
> To: WAMUG Mailing List <wamug@wamug.org.au>
> Subject: Skype Connection
> I have taken delivery today of a Netcomm V85 VoIP desktop phone.  I
> have downloaded Skype but I am having problems connecting despite
> following the "Quick Start Guide" from Netcomm to the letter.  Anyone
> have experience here?
> After completing the instructions the LCD display on the phone still
> says : "SIP (Proxy OFF)".  When turning the proxy on by clicking the
> box I am asked for the "IP Address or domain name address of the
> proxy server".... where do I get this from?
> Thanks in advance,
> David
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