On 9/01/2007 9:14 AM, "Michael Hawkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I recently changed from Westnet¹s 1.5MB plan to the 8MB/384 plan. Like
> others, I¹ve had slow line speeds and down load speeds (line speed varies
> between 1835 kbps and 2343 kbps, download varies between 229KB/s and 293
> KB/s). I¹m less than 750 metres cable distance from the Wellington Street
> exchange. I¹m using a D-Link DSL-300 Generation II modem. Westnet support
> says that the modem doesn¹t provide information needed for Westnet to check
> line condition and attenuation.
> I¹ve experimented with manual settings using system preferences but
> automatic setting gives the fastest result. I¹ve seen a couple of postings
> that mention G.DMT protocol. Is that something I can setup on the modem that
> I have?
> The other thing I¹ve noticed since the upgrade took effect is that it now
> takes a lot longer to connect to Westnet. It¹s not uncommon to get a ³other
> side is not responding² message. Given that I hadn¹t had that problem before
> the change to the 8MB plan, even through the first few weeks of the school
> holidays and over the Christmas New Year break, could this be a sign that
> things need to be tweaked at the Westnet/iiNet end?
> Regards,
> Michael Hawkins.
Hi Michael

Another thing you'll need to check (which I think I mentioned in my email
the other day) is whether the DSL-300 is ADSL2/2+ capable (or can handle the
faster speeds). A lot of the "earlier" modems can't really handle the speed,
so they need to be changed to some of the new modems that can handle the
faster speed. These also have the extra settings and things as well.

On a quick 2second check on D-Link's site I couldn't see it mentioned. So
this can also be a factor as well.

I've seen the same thing happen with an older DG834v1 Netgear Modem, changed
it to a Netgear DH834v3 and it worked faster. (On a side note, some modems
allow you to update this via a firmware update on their site, so you could
check that as well.)

I don't know if the DSL-300 got any better, but I know quite a few ISP
tech's I spoke to didn't really like them.

The other thing to check, which sometimes helps as well, is to use Westnet's
DNS numbers in your System Preferences/Network/DNS Servers settings.

Hope that helps.

Kind Regards
Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Email: <daniel @ macwizardry . com . au>
Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>

**For everything Macintosh**