SMS Mac, when it works - and I am having temporary problems, is a great
saving for me. People often leave messages on my answering machine and ask
me to ring them on a mobile. Often all they want is free advice on applying
for jobs. I am happy to do this but not at mobile rates as these calls can
last five minutes or more.

I use the dashboard SMS Mac widget, called Send SMS, and say "am now
available please ring now." which they do - at their expense.

I simply enter the mobile number with the +sign first (international) and
the mobile number WITHOUT the first zero, turn it over and type no more than
160 characters and press send. The message goes through my modem to Belgium
(I think) and back to Oz and to the mobile.

The cost is about 15c per SMS but you must buy 10 Euros worth in advance and
your credit goes down on each call.

For some reason other people can use SMS Mac to send to my mobile but my SMS
messages are not going out from the computer. This has happened only
recently so I am about to trash every file and reinstall.


> I have found the widget and downloaded it, but how does it work? Can I SMS
> from Mac to a mobile free?  Anyone help?
> John Daniels


Lloyd White

Write a Winning Job Application 3rd Edition.



  • SMS widget John Daniels
    • Re: SMS widget Lloyd White