1 The problem - My mighty mouse started scrolling erratically - would scroll
up and left/right but not down.

2 The fix - google showed this to be a VERY common problem the same as the
old "dirty ball" on old mechanical mice except much harder to clean. Lots of
suggestions but first off I decided to follow the official Apple suggestion:
In particular:
> The same procedure can be used to clean the scroll ball on your Mighty Mouse
> if it has become discolored or dirty. Use a clean lint-free cloth lightly
> moistened with water. Wipe the ball and the surrounding area, making sure to
> rotate the ball itself to ensure complete coverage. If the scrolling feels
> rough or if the scroll ball isn't scrolling up, down, or side-to-side, hold
> the mouse upside-down and roll the ball vigorously while cleaning it to help
> dislodge any particles that may have collected on the internal hardware.

3 The new problem - After my vigorous upside down (the mouse, not me!)
rolling my mouse now scrolls perfectly again. Unfortunately, the clicking is
now buggered up - any attempt to left or right click effects a scroll ball
click - ie it invokes dashboard (or any other option such as application
switcher or spotlight that I select for the ball in the mouse preference
If I just switch the button off in the mouse preference pane, I get back my
left click but trying to right click seems to just give a left click.
It definitely seems to be a problem with the mouse because (besides the
obvious fact that it occurred right after I tried to fix the scroll problem)
if I plug in another (Swann) 2 button+scroll mouse both left and right
clicks work fine.
I tried googling for this problem but couldn't find a similar report or fix.
Anybody come across (or heard of) this before or have any suggestions.

4 The feature? While in firefox trying to get my clicks (on or off Route 66)
I was trying different key combos and noticed that an option-click would
drop a strange icon on the page - a circle containing up/down & left/right
arrow triangles (+ a central dot) which seems to act a a variable speed
scrolling gizmo - with the mouse pointer over the central dot the cursor
turns into a hand - move it and the page scrolls - the further you move the
cursor, the faster the page scrolls - its quite cool actually. It seems to
be a firefox feature cos it doesn't happen in Safari. To give it a try go to
a page that is scrollable (ie more than one screen long) and option/ button
3 click ( it's not limited to my faulty mighty mouse it also works with the
pressable scroll button on the Swann mouse.

Anyway, the Swann mous belongs with my partners powerbook so any suggestions
to fix my mighty mouse would be most welcome!


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Fax: +61 8 9841 6137