Hi Kev

It's not necessarily the side buttons - it depends how the mouse has been
set up (as Paul correctly points out under Keyboard & Mouse, in System

For example, in my case (which I 'thought' was the default set-up), the side
buttons launch Exposé whilst dashboard was brought up by depressing the
scroll button.

So to " work out what I am doing with the mouse that opens the dashboard",
open up the Keyboard & Mouse preference pane and see which button is
nominated to operate dashboard.

If, like me, it is the scroll button it may be that when you are scrolling,
you are pressing on the scroll button hard enough to initiate a 'click' of
this central button - if this is the case you can just select "off" for this
button and it will no longer have any effect. (You can also select other
actions for the button, but if you tend to operate it unintentionally you're
probably best to just turn it off ;)

Another possibility (again if it is the scroll button) is that the button is
'stuck down' (or permanently on) - this is what happened to my mouse after I
cleaned the scroll ball :( - however this would give you wider problems (in
my case any click just launched dashboard) - again turning off the button
got rid of the dashboard problem (though in this case, I've also lost the
ability to 'right-click).

Similarly if you are set-up to launch dashboard with the side buttons (as it
sounds as if Paul is/was) it may be that you are inadvertaently 'squeezing'
the sides of the mouse - again you can just turn off the side buttons.

Hope that helps.


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Fax: +61 8 9841 6137

on 12/2/07 11:23 AM, Paul at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Paul wrote:
>> KEVIN Lock wrote:
>>> 20" intel iMac. Mighty Mouse
>>> I want to disable the dashboard feature. I don't want to use widgets
>>> but mighty-mouse somehow brings up the dashboard and dulls down the
>>> screen and I cannot work out what I am doing with the mouse that
>>> opens the dashboard. Any ideas for me on this one?
>>> I like the mouse's ability to scroll sideways, so I would rather keep
>>> it than buying a $7.00 Harvey Norman two button optical mouse.
>>> Kev
>> Hi Kev
>> I believe that is done in System Preferences under Keyboard & Mouse.
>> My tip is don't wait for the scroll ball to misbehave before you clean
>> it.
> I should add that it is the side buttons that are bringing up Dashboard
> for you :-) That freaked me out a few times too!
> Cheers
> Paul
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