My point Adam,I do not even check apart from an ultra-rapid down the list.
On 12/03/2007, at 4:24 PM, Adam Hewitt wrote:

I am not 100% sure of the SPAM filters currently used by Westnet however I am fairly sure that they are the same appliances that are used by iiNet. These devices barely even utilize baysian filters but use a global network of probes to monitor email traffic patterns and can block connections before they even get to the email servers based on the IP address the connection is being created from. They cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and have a false positive rate of under 1 in 1 million emails.

Based on this information I would recommend changing the delivery options in your account tools to delete the spam emails before they even get to your inbox, that way you aren't paying for spammers to use your bandwidth. I have been doing this for roughly a year and I am yet to find out that I have missed an email. Lets face it, email is not a reliable enough medium where people are using it to the point that missing an email would be the end of the world, so even if you do miss one email in a million chances are it wont matter.


On 12/03/2007, at 1:35 PM, Malcolm McCallum wrote:

Hi everyone. I am curious to know if my actions in regard to Westnet's spam filter is the same as everyone else. When I first employed the filter I religiously read the 'email' of spams they sent me but as my recall rate was virtually nil I now delete the email which shows the spam mail I have received without reading it. :-( Is this the a common practice?
Malcolm McCallum
Skype docmactor

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