On the 5th February I sent an email to Canon¹s on-line support. Copied below
is the response I received today, some 7 weeks later.

Moral of the story is, don¹t hold your breath if you contact Canon for
on-line support.

------ Forwarded Message
From: Canon Support <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2007 16:12:55 +1000
Conversation: Canon Online Support
Subject: Canon Online Support

Note: This is an automated email service, please do not respond to this

Dear Michael,

Thank you for contacting Canon CSCPO Technical Support.

A new event : "Wireless networking and the MP830", written on Feb  5 2007
9:00PM, has been added in response to your request.

The MP830 is designed to connect directly to a computer for normal
operation.  We can not guarantee the operation with 3rd party wireless

If you should require more information, please visit
www.canon.com.au/support or contact the helpdesk quoting your reference:

Canon CSCPO telephone support service is available 8:30am - 6:00pm
Mon-Friday on the following numbers:

NSW (02) 9805-2864, QLD (07) 3214-6111, ACT (02) 6201-4777, VIC/TAS (03)
9881-0111, SA/NT (08) 8201-9222, WA (08) 9347-2345.

Sean T
Canon Australia
Computer Systems and Consumer Products Operation

------ End of Forwarded Message

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