On 22/05/2007, at 4:10 PM, James Anderson wrote:

On 22/05/2007, at 9:54 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

On 22/05/2007, at 12:10 AM, James Anderson wrote:

Hi all,

For some reason my iPhoto app is crashing, within about 10 seconds of opening EVERY time. I've never had significant problems with apple programs in OS X, so I'm unsure what to do. I've tried the following on a MacBook Pro 2.16Ghz, 1GB, heaps of spare space, OS 10.4.9, using iPhoto 6.0.6 and 6.0.1

James ,

Is it true that you have both iPhoto 6.0.6   AND    iPhoto 6.0.1

as the above description says  ?

If so I would suggest that you should    uninstal    one of them


I have
1. Repaired permissions and ran maintenance scripts from terminal
2. Repaired HD using disk utility from start up disk(fixed a few things)
3. Reinstalled iPhoto 6.0.1 from OS X 10.4 DVD

None of these have worked, and I am now realising how important iPhoto had become!

What caused it?
- No idea, just started happening
- I've installed a few shareware apps recently, but none are running at same time.

Hi James,

First try deleting the 'com.apple.iPhoto.plist' in your
Home / Library / Preferences - com.apple.iPhoto.plist

If that doesn't fix iPhoto  crashing.
Try  Rebuilding the iPhoto Library.
Hold down the Option and Command (apple) keys and launch iPhoto.
Select the top three options in the dialogue box that appears.

Hi Ronni and WAMUG,

Thanks for getting back to me Ronni, much appreciated.

I tried both those solutions and no joy.
When rebuilding the iPhoto library it didn't crash until it had completed that process.

I've also tried using iPhoto buddy to create 'new' empty libraries to see if it was something due to a large or corrupt library, but no luck there.

Does anyone have any other ideas?


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