As an early & then financial Wamuger who lives in Rural Western Australia & at the time got sufficient Agenda notice of monthly meetings so that I & a number of your elderly members could organise ourselves to attend such meetings ( A minimum 4 hour drive). Now no longer possible apart from no Agenda I would like to formally nominate Rhonda ( Ronni) Brown to position of WAMUGER OF THE YEAR for her unstinting & enthusiastic support of so many of we ignorant "Mugs" Her knowledge & response so generously given has been as & is far above a beyond that of any other member. I & I know many other aging Wamugers will always be gratefull for her solving problems difficult to us but immensly helpfull & instructive to us so that we in turn can help others. As an isolated country member there is no local support & WAMUG has been an essential lifeline. Thanks Ronnie & Ciao > Philip

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