Surplus to requirements. One Pantone Huey with software, $65.00

Details: Developed in partnership with GretagMacbeth and brought to market by Pantone, huey is an entry-level colour management solution based on GretagMacbeth's technology for pro-spec products. The huey is designed for calibrating and profiling all types of monitors, and the device is a colorimeter with ambient measurement capabilities. Compact and light in weight, huey works with LCD, laptop and CRT displays without requiring users to have in-depth knowledge of colour management. In addition, huey is the first monitor calibration device to continually adjust the monitor as room lighting changes. With an affordable price tag, huey delivers accurate on-screen colour and importantly, opens the field of colour management to a wider, non- specialist audience.


Ph: 61 (0)8 9498 0952
Mob: 0405 750 696
Skype: Mikanta

Ph: 61 (0)8 9498 0952
Mob: 0405 750 696
Skype: Mikanta

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