On 30/07/2007, at 8:24 AM, John Weekes wrote:

Hi All

This is probably a very simply answered question but I have a lot to learn !

I have an eMac 10.4.10 which has MS Office 97-98 installed in 'Classic'. I know that I could update but I mostly use AW 6, and MS Office 97-98 is all that I need at present.

Not a major problem, but when I select a Word file, instead of going to the app in OS 9.2.2 , Text Edit opens.

To overcome the problem, I 'drag & drop' the file to the MS Word icon in the Dock. Bit of a nuisance but easily done.

Is it possible to keep TextEdit but disable it so that I decide when to use it ?

Hi John,

Click once on your Word File to highlight it.

Then go to File > Get Info --- Open With: and scroll to select your MS Word .app

Under 'use this application to open all documents like this'
click 'Change All'.


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