On 1Aug2007, at 9:35 PM, David Moyle wrote:

Evening Edward

After some quick research I've determined that TS4Engine is relating to a program called TextSoap4, this may need updating to a Universal binary and
this should make it an Intel application.

Relates to TS4 which is some form of translation coding language with many parameters, hence it is an engine which powers TextSoap4. It records and or collects data, for which it can translate said data; exactly how or what it's attributes - parameters can be, not totally sure. Same as for what programs or purpose it has within your machine not totally sure their either, but not functioning on my machines.

Also privoxy seems to be a proxy application similar to root, not sure if your actually using it but since it's a proxy application it is normal for
it to run under root.


This is a program with advanced filtering mainly within web page data for removing ads, banners, pop-ups and other irritating internet junk. I would suspect not an Apple standard install product, could not see it on my systems. But, I have run this on Firewalls before to remove some of the internet pop-ups i.e.. porn and gambling at schools and other institutions.


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