Hi guys,

My Macbook Pro laptop started to shutdown randomly when I have been running my laptop off battery power. I've done some searching for a resolution to this issue on some websites and it appears to be a common problem with both Macbook and Macbook Pro laptops - http:// www.macbookrandomshutdown.com/.

My (relevant) system information.

Macbook Pro 15", 2.16 GHz Intel Core Duo, 1G 667 MHz RAM
Mac OSX 10.4.10
Production year: 2006
Production week: 23 (June)

Battery Information:
  Battery Installed:    Yes
  First low level warning:      No
  Full Charge Capacity (mAh):   4748
  Remaining Capacity (mAh):     4237
  Amperage (mA):        -1693
  Voltage (mV): 11418
  Cycle Count:  267

I've attempted to resolve / troubleshoot this problem by:
- Running a Apple Hardware Test - no hardware issues identified
- Did a PMU reset but this did not resolve the issue
- Update latest software updates - Identified there was a firmware for Macbooks to resolve this issue but there isn't a similar update for Macbook Pro - http://www.apple.com/support/downloads/ macbooksmcfirmwareupdate11.html - Thought it might have been a Battery issue as officially reported by Apple but I have not encountered their prescribed symptoms - http://www.apple.com/support/macbook_macbookpro/batteryupdate/

I've looked at some other websites and other people have resolved this issue by: - Replacing the heat sink - http://maba.wordpress.com/2006/09/01/ macbook-shutdown-solved-at-last-hopefully/
- Replacing the logic board
- Replacing the battery
- and other possible solutions suggested at http:// www.macbookrandomshutdown.com/.

I guess I will call Apple Centre tomorrow and attempt to resolve this but I'm currently in the situation where I can't really be without my laptop for more than a day so the only viable option at the moment would be to get the battery replaced.

I was wondering if anybody else has experienced / resolved this issue?


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