Is this what you¹re after?

In Entourage 
Click on Inbox
Go to File- New ­ Folder
Create the new folder and name it eg: Mac
Then go to Tools-Rules-New and select from a pile of choices.

You can also choose to have sent mail stored in the inbox or into a sent
folder with the same name.

I have folders setup eg: family, friends, Mac, work. It is easy to see what
and how many is where and easy to find when in a rush, or you only want to
read particular emails or not (eg family) or when ³oldtimers² disease is
I have done this and when my mail arrives it automatically goes into the
designated folder I have set and a number shows to indicate how many mails
are in there waiting to be read.

You can also go to Tool ­ Mailing List Manager and set up rules to apply
from there.

In Tools you can also set up Junk-eMail rules.



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