Hi Michael,

Sorry about that.
You are correct. I just tried again and yes, it doesn't sort the answers by date.
It sorts All messages by either Date or Thread.

My apologies for misinforming you.


On 20/08/2007, at 9:22 AM, Michael Hawkins wrote:

Hi Ronni,

I've faithfully followed your instructions but for some reason when using FireFox and Safari I can't get the webpage to arrange the search results in
date order.

I get 775 answers when I search "QuickTime". If I then click "Date" where it appears next to the Search box, I get the whole archive arranged in date order, not just the answers to my search (i.e. including postings that do
not contain the word "QuickTime").



On 20/8/07 8:20 AM, "Ronda Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Michael,

If you go to the Archives here:
Type  Quicktime, click Search and after the search has finished,
click 'Date'
  it then sorts the answers in chronological order.

And yep, my reply to Lloyd White's question is there.
'2007/08/08 Re: Quicktime Ronda Brown'


On 20/08/2007, at 7:56 AM, Michael Hawkins wrote:

Bob suggested that I follow Ronni's suggestion in a posting by her
in the
WAMUG Archive. It worked. Thank you Bob & Ronni.

The suggestion was:

Also make sure you have the latest Flash Player Plugin v

1. Go the the Adobe Flash homepage <http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/
and reinstall the latest Flash Player for Mac.

2. Go  to your System Preferences>QuickTime>Advanced panel.

3. Make sure "ENABLE FLASH" is ON.

4. At the bottom you will see "MIME SETTINGS...". Click on this


6. Make sure the "FLASH MEDIA" option is OFF.

7. Click "OK".

8. Restart your computer.

In asking the following question I'm being merely curious, not
Before I posted my request for advice I searched the WAMUG Archive for
questions about QuickTime. Ronni's posting didn't come up in my
search. I
think her posting was made about 12 days ago. Is there a time lag in
indexing? If so, is there some way of looking at postings in
order and not by topic?

Thank you,

Michael Hawkins.

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