Hi all

Buy iLife '08 and get iMovie '06 for free - (TUAW)

About iMovie HD 6
iMovie HD 6, previously distributed with iLife '06, is available for
download for those who have purchased and installed iLife '08.


On 9/5/07, Susan Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Stephen, the new imovie is set up differently - it allows you to
> review clips quickly to decide what to include and not include. I had
> four days of video from a trip, and found it very difficult, without
> watching hours of tape, to work out what to include in my final
> movie. So, it has a new 'tool' which the old iMovie didn't have.
> The new imovie isn't bad at all, its just quite different - they
> perhaps should have given it a new name.
> I'm absolutely delighted with it. I think Apple have done a good job
> here, and they haven't taken away the old version, they even make it
> available to everyone who buys iLife 08, regardless of whether they
> owned iLife 06 or not.
> I'm sure there will be lots of people like me who prefer the new
> version.
> cheers, Susan.
> On 05/09/2007, at 5:22 PM, Stephen Chape wrote:
> > My goodness !!
> > I am pleased that I discovered how sadly lacking the new iMovie is
> > before I got too far with my latest project.
> > I kept thinking "OK think positive .. I will look for the other
> > editing tools when I get further along with this".
> > However this discussion prompted me to take a closer look.
> > I do not understand Apple's logic here.
> > How does removing all these tools make it quicker to use ?
> > If you want to make a movie fast, just don't use all the tools.
> > But for heavens sake leave them there for those who need them.
> > As for using Final Cut ..... why pay for it when it is available in
> > iMovie ?
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> > Stephen Chape

On 9/4/07, Reg Whitely <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Mark and WAMUGgers
> On 4 Sep 2007, at 10:41am, Mark Heeler wrote:
> > If you don't like the new iMovie, just use the old one.  If you
> > need more, upgrade
> > to something like FInal Cut Express. Simple.
> Do you know if Apple intend to further update "the old one", such as
> it it is that many seem to extol its superior virtues. Are we going
> to see two parallel versions of iMovie? Eg iMovieAM and iMoviePRO?
> I suspect not really.
> Reg
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