On 21/09/2007, at 3:30 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Update to WAMUG for anyone who finds themselves with this same problem.

First I tried to install by downloading the Vista Compatible version directly from the website, inserted my Retail CD in the CD drive before installation as per instructions. But, the 'sticker_update_1.2.exe' would not recognise the CD was in the drive and therefore .... no installation.

So I then went to <https://ca.mcafee.com/root/login.asp> & logged into My Account (which had been created when I initially installed McAfee Internet Security Suite 2007 in WindowsXP). Downloaded the file from there (then turned off Windows Firewall) and installed McAfee without any troubles.

So now Windows Vista VM in Parallels is 'Safe' .... I hope!


Why are you punishing yourself so much with all of this? After all, don't we use our Macs precisely in order to avoid all of this rubbish (among other reasons, of course)?

Personally I won't let anything carrying the word "Nortons" in its title anywhere near any of my computers. It's just asking for trouble. You really need do no more than TURN ON the windows firewall, and use a lightweight free virus removal tool such as AVGFree from Grisom Software; and perhaps a decent spyware checker (see below).

Presumably, you are using Parallels for only a few key Windows-based applications, and if non of these use Internet access, you're pretty much safe anyway. The principle cause of virus and other malware infection on Windows is behaviour: the sites you visit, the email messages you open, the attachments you download, the links you click on. If you restrict these activities to the Mac side, the chance of getting infections on Windows are reduced to almost nil. Of course, you do need some sort of protection (Windows attracts some of this stuff all by itself) but considering that in Parallels, Windows is already sandboxed with your MacOS X framework, the risks are next to nothing. Nortons Internet Security is heavy overkill, even on a real Windows PC. It can also slow things down by up to as much as 10-15%.

Dump it, and use your Mac for the important stuff.

Peter Hinchliffe        Apwin Computer Services
FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Perth, Western Australia
Phone (618) 9332 6482    Fax (618) 9332 0913
Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.

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