Hi WAMUGers,

I have Apple Remote Desktop 3.1 installed on my MacBook Pro OSX10.4.10
and I am able to control other computers on my Airport Extreme 802.11n Network.

I want to connect to my sister's G4 iBook OSX10.4.10 via the Internet.
She has a Airport Express Network.

I've sent her instructions how to create a new Account for me- 'Remote Admin'- and turn on 'Apple Remote Desktop' in System Preferences > Sharing.

As we are both using Airport to connect to the Internet, and turning on 'Apple Remote Desktop' in System Preferences opens Ports 3283 & 5900, I presume I only need to know her IP Address for me to connect to her iBook using ARD 3. Is this correct, or will I also have to open these ports on her ADSL Modem?

Many thanks for any advice.



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