Well, as I say, some weird behaviour - I wonder if it is the same as a AppleTV, given the interface is so similar now. Any advice on fixes would be appreciated !

1. On one of my Macs (by Murphys law it had to be the MacMini connected to a TV...!!!), the top ten music/video tracks in the iTMS are Japanese ? The other Macs are fine. All are set to use the iTMS Au.

2. Photo slideshows. Use the library on the mac that is running frontrow and you can't alter any settings but use a library from a shared mac and you can ! Weird...

3. No cover art when using shared iTunes libraries.

I like the new interface (even though others don't) but it is annoying that it no longer remembers where you were if you were part way through watching something.

The other inconsistency is that you can easily access other iPhoto libraries from the main Photo menu in Frontrow but to do the same with Music or Movies, you use the Source menu !

Hoping for a update soon !

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