hat the HD Series cards have problems processing the graphics in some of our games. We are currently working diligently with Apple to get these issues resolved. Since none of our titles were ever tested or approved for play on The ATI 2400/2600 that are in the new Intel iMacs, we cannot support any of our games on these machines at this time. Apple did just release an Open GL update specifically for new Intel iMac with the ATI 2400/2600 in them.
          You can download it here:

http://www.apple.com/support/downloads/ imacsoftwareupdate12tiger.html

If you have not done so, you can subscribe to our newsletter (https://www.aspyr.com/news/newsletter_signup), which is sent out via email on a monthly basis. This newsletter is where we announce new projects. We also have a project status page at our website that shows what is being worked on. With Apple constantly releasing new hardware it is impossible for us to develop games that are guaranteed to work on any future hardware configurations. With that in mind, it is a good idea to wait a couple of weeks before purchasing any new software for brand new machines. It is also a good idea to contact the software developer to see if there are any problems with any software you are considering purchasing for a brand new machine.

Again, I assure you that we are working hard with Apple to get these issues worked out.

          Thanks for your patience.
          Have a nice day.

If anyone else on the list is having problems with any of the Aspyr Games, this feedback from their tech support may explain what the current problem is. Since downloading the Open GL update, I have been successful in installing 'The Sims Life Stories'. I haven't yet had time to retry others, but at least now I have a better idea what might be going on - and it appears to be with the software development side (not necessarily my hardware). Although I have not yet emailed Feral about problems installing their games, I'm wondering if the issues might be similar. (I'll see whether the Open GL update makes any difference to them first).

Again thanks to all.


On 27/12/2007, at 9:00 AM, Peter Hinchliffe wrote:


On 24/12/2007, at 9:52 PM, Rosie Cable wrote:

Hi Jude
Thank you for your response. The games that I have tried to load are all Mac/Universal Binary games (I have never owned any windoze games), all bought within the past 12 months. The games that have failed to install due to the undetectable Intel Video Card, are predominantly simulation and strategy games, mostly from Aspyr and Feral. So far the Aspyr games failing to install, have included: The Sims 2, The Sims Life Stories and The Sims Pet Stories (both stand alone Sims games), Civilisation IV and Rollercoaster Tycoon 3. Other games which failed to install, include The Movies and Imperial Glory. I have others, which I haven't tried to install yet, due to absolute frustration. I have, however, been able to install a couple of the older games that work okay on my eMac, including Age of Empires II Gold Edition and Tropico 2.

I can't speak for the other games, but I received a copy of Civilisation IV from Santa and it installed fine and runs beautifully (at 1920 x 1200) on my nice new 24" Intel iMac. I'm not a big game player, but others I have (and play when I can) include Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenox (EA), Prey (Aspyr) and Star Wars Battlefront (Aspyr). All of them run perfectly at full resolution.

The biggest problem I have with C IV and Harry Potter is trying to register them. The registration web sites don't list them as Mac games.

Peter Hinchliffe        Apwin Computer Services
FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Perth, Western Australia
Phone (618) 9332 6482    Fax (618) 9332 0913
Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.

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