Shay is right about considering your needs for PHP & MySQL.

If this is just for personal testing on a local machine then using MAMP
(free) or MAMP Pro (small shareware cost) which provides even more features
is worth checking out. It provides a much better version of PHP than Apples.
You can test sites under PHP4 or PHP 5. It provides all the admin interfaces
you need to easily host a site. It even lets you activate Apples UNIX based
mail server to allow testing of mail scripts in real time. For a newbie to
servers you can't get any easier + it doesn't interferes in any way with
Apple's version of PHP/Apache + works perfect in Leopard

If you need this for a production server then you'll have to take the long
road as mentioned in your earlier post or else check out the Entropy version
of PHP. Can be installed like any other application , easy to set up but
unfortunately a Leopard compatible version is only in beta not release yet.
Just the same may be worth checking out.

Whichever way you go you'll end up with a much better version of PHP than
the dumbed down version Apple supplies. Trust me.


All the best

Greg Sharp
Australian Mac Users Group (AUSMUG)


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