On 29/05/2008, at 11:07 AM, Lloyd White wrote:

I have been playing a lot of those funny .wmv and mpg clips people send me
by email on Front Row. (quite blurred).

I later trashed these clips but the problem is that now Front Row keeps showing them up in the Movies as available for showing but cannot find them.
(They were trashed and trash emptied).

I cannot find any way to look at the Front Row preferences or to make Front
Row start a new search of what is now available. It does not appear in
Systems Preferences.

Hello Lloyd,

Perhaps if you delete your Front Row preferences. You can find the file in this path:

<Macintosh HD/Users/YourUsersShortName/Library/Preferences/ com.apple.frontrow.plist

Put it in the Trash, log out and log back in to see if the issue is resolved.

If that doesn't fix your problem and the Movies you mention were in iTunes, you could try running this Applescripts 'Super Remove Dead Tracks'. Surveys iTunes for tracks whose files are no longer available (as indicated by a "!" next to their names) and removes them.

Any playlists that subsequently contain no tracks will then be deleted.

<http://dougscripts.com/itunes/scripts/scripts01.php?page=1#removedeadsuper >


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