On 5, Jun 2008, at 5:01, WAMUG Mailing List included examples of an anomaly which has confused me for some time. It's likely that this has been explained in the past,
but I have missed it.

Example: In Ronni's reply to Gary, the symbols =92s appear in my received Digest copy in
place of apostrophes. There are a number of similar replacements.

Why is this?

Vlad James
using iMac 2.4 GHz, MacOS 10.5.2, Mail 3.2

************* snipped from WAMUG Digest #1753 *****************
the first square, the current day, and you=92ll see the (usual) month =20=

view drawer pulled out at right.
Now, click again, you=92ll see appearing a new drawer.
If you have some events in the current day, they will show up there in =20=

a list (otherwise, it will be a black square, that=92s it).

They are linked to iCal app, so if you click one of these events, iCal =20=

will start and bring you to this event.
It=92s not a trick, I know, just an observation but since it=92s a =20
Leopard=92 newbie, it looks very handy for me.

Then there is an application called CaliBrate that allows you to batch =20=

process iCal events. It also has an event drawer that allows you to =20 view search result details and edit or add events in the drawer. Using =20=

a range preset like search for events =93coming week=94 you can =20
approximate the behaviour of iCal 2=92s drawer on Leopard. But that=92s =20=

only part of what it does. It also has a Magic Hat to drop text onto =20 to create new events. It=92s a first release so missing features will be =
added later.

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