All that being as it may, how do they think they can tell if you ripped any of it off? and are they going to be able to establish for a fact that one track amongst a couple of thousand you may have on your machine is suspect, also, If you choose to not give them an access password to your computer what then?




On 27/07/2008, at 5:52 PM, Shay Telfer wrote:

Mark Secker wrote:
very good point... particularly  when, I belive, our "fair use" laws
don't yet cover ripping to your laptop/iPod your own, legally purchased,
CD's and DVD's.

can see this is going to be a real mess to try enforce...

Actually format shifting is covered now thanks to the Copyright Amendment Act 2006

< >

Check out the "Private copying of music" PDF

Have fun,
=========================== Shay Telfer ================================ Perth, Western Australia Technomancer The love of liberty is the love Opinions for hire [POQ] of others; the love of power is fnord the love of ourselves - Hazlitt

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