There is an App     " Invisibles "      which can make your
invisible . files .. visible and then make them
Invisible when you require it .


You could use that to expose the currently invisible files , but
  identify       the current files so you know which is what .

Hmmm, thanks Bob, I'll check that out. Maybe it will just let me make the offending files invisible... But is that really what I want to do? Is the
visibility the problem or the symptom?!

OR   Are these visible only because they are some sort of duplicates ?

I rather thought that if you can give them an identity so you know which files they are when you applied the visible option with that App you would see the real files plus these files and thus confirm these are only copies , ??? non working copies ???



Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063

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