Bob, Erin, Eugene - thanks for the tips. But none of them seem to do the

I understand how I can use a repeat option with regards to a Calendar event.
That's no problem.

However, I'm referring to the "To Do Items" which appear in a vertical pane
to the right of my calendar. Immediately below the Spotlight search field.
If I click on one of those items and Get Info, a box comes up with options
to change due date etc, but there is no repeat option. If I add a new 'To
Do' option, same deal - no repeat option.

How do you go about a creating a repetitive "To Do Item"? Example, let's say
I want to check the letter box every day, and I want to remind myself to do
that. I don't want it in my Calendar, because I don't want to have to do it
at the same time each day - I just want it in my To Do list. But I don't
want to have to add the entry every day. I just want to have a To Do item
which pops up each day. (BTW, just an example - I don't really want to do
that!). Same as the Task function in Entourage allows you to do.

Cheers, Steven

On 13/8/08 6:59 PM, "Eugene" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Steven,
> iCal allows some quite sophisticated repeat options.
> When you have enter an item open the Information drawer. (command+i)
> You will see an option called repeat - click on it. Your initial
> option is to repeat every day, week, month or year. However if you
> select custom you can incorporate even more complex options. Your
> option for repeating each Thursday is actually one of the basic ones
> but you could get iCal to repeat every third Thursday of the month if
> you went to the custom option.
>                        Regards,
>                        Eugene

On 13/8/08 6:07 PM, "Erin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Steven
> Have you figured this out yet?
> Try double clicking on your to do item in the weekly/monthly view pane
> thingy.  Then click edit.  There's a repeat option in there.  :)
> Erin

On 13/8/08 6:06 PM, "Robert Howells" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Steven ,
> Go to the iCal help file and search for : -
> Adding events to a calendar
> The description there will tell you how to set up a repeating item
> basically after the first entry for the event you do an Apple E to
> edit it
> and there are options there
> Bob
> On 13/08/2008, at 5:54 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:
>> After considering previous comments from the group, and reading a few
>> reviews and opinions online, I've decided to migrate from a long time
>> Entourage user, to the Apple Apps and Mobile Me regime.
>> I've started with iCal and have hit a snag. In Entourage, you could
>> set up
>> task on a repeating basis. So for instance, if there something I
>> needed to
>> each and every Thursday, Entourage could accommodate that.
>> With iCal and the To Do functionality, there doesn't seem to be a
>> recurring
>> option. Am I missing something, or is there another way to achieve
>> this?
>> I thought I'd get iCal all sorted as a first step before bringing
>> contacts
>> and mail across.
>> Cheers, Steven

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