Hi ronni
I can go everywhere on the internet and have connection,I'm connected with a "Linkstar S2 modem " to a satellite dish with broadbandnet.
Is the downloadspeed of 46 KB/sec normal slow or very slow?
thanks Martin
On 01/10/2008, at 1:58 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Hello Martin,

Your question:

""network""icon coming up with this server is not available...what does this mean

It means you are not 'finding' your ISP's Server & therefore not connecting to the Internet. Likely to be an issue with your Network setup, or your Modem/ Router, or your ISP server might 'be down' (not available) at the time.

Check your Network Configuration settings in System Preferences > Network - that you have all the correct settings in & your ISP's DNS numbers.
Restart your Modem/Router.

How are you connecting to the internet,wire or wireless connection? I imagine wireless.
What Modem/Router?


On 01/10/2008, at 6:52 AM, Martin Sulkowski wrote:

Thanks Robert
Unfortunately it didn't make a difference .Activity window told me ;Timed Out One other thing ,,, don't know if it makes a difference:since a few days I have the ""network""icon coming up with this server is not available...what does this mean
On 01/10/2008, at 12:12 AM, Robert Howells wrote:

On 30/09/2008, at 8:42 PM, Martin Sulkowski wrote:

it is really fascinating how everyone tries to put the problem into the -everything is ok. here busket. Apple cleaned the cache and resetted safari....we can't do more than this
NAB cleaned cache and told me they can't do more
BBsat (broadbandnet) made a speedtest 47KB/sec and said this is normal...hmmm

I only know I have almost no ideas left:I experienced the same problems with the e-mac from the workshop and with my i-mac 10.4.11......2GHz
and the activitywwindow told me.... timed out
Does this mean that my downloadspeed is too slow?
Can this be improved with another router??
If another router makes the difference... what is the difference between the 2? Maybe comparing a $500 bomb with a $10000 car
I'm happy to hear from anyone
Thanks Martin


Just an idea

In your system preferences  Click on Network

In the TCP/IP section look for Configure IPv6 Click on Configure IPv6 so a window appears ..

The window probably shows Configure IPv6 Automatically ! ?

If so click on the Automatically and drag down to the OFF which will appear after clicking
This should make  IPv6     off .

Click OK

Then click   Apply Now  located at the bottom of the Network window

Now try your banking problem



Note : you may need initially to click the lock at the bottom and authenticate

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