Hello Everyone
I have been using internet banking for the last 4 month without problems ,then suddenly last Friday it wasn't possible to do anything.It didn't matter firefox3.0.3 or safari 3.1.2 .I can log in into NAB,but at some stage the new page doesn't open.Can be the first page (10 of 12 items downloaded) or if this page opened proper ( happened only once) then the next page accountbalances doesn't open .Safari says timed out , Firefox says Error line 706. HMMMMM haven't got a clue ...proxys are switched off...Besides this haven't changed anything
cheers Martin
On 01/10/2008, at 8:25 PM, Robert Howells wrote:

On 30/09/2008, at 3:03 PM, Martin Sulkowski wrote:

I'm trying since 3 days doing internet banking safari 3.1.2 firefox 3.0.3 ,,,,but not sucessfully any ideas

Martin ,

We have been making some guess's that this was a working connection that suddenly has stopped working !

Is that correct ?

How long had it been working on this set up ?

Have you changed anything  ... added another Mac , or something ?


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