Hi Wamuggers,

I've been using various sync / file sharing / backup products over the
years, looking for something that solves backup as well as replicated
file sharing for business. And I've had a .mac/mobileme account for
ages, but it doesn't do everything I want.

If you want an offsite backup solution and web enabled file sharing
then you should check out Dropbox (getdropbox.com). Watch the video
and you'll get the point.

You can use for backup or file sharing (think of this as an internet
enabled network drive). And also public folders (with a gallery mode
for pictures). Totally integrated with the Mac Finder (and
Windows/Linux as well).

2Gb of space with the free plan, and looks like they will be charging
$10/mth for 50Gb soon. You can be up and running with the free 2Gb
plan to try it out in a matter of minutes.

I know MobileMe has some nice Picture publishing features, but I've
found in practice these are a lot harder to use than they look at
first. Dropbox is dead easy.

For the technically minded, your data is replicated to an Amazon S3 data store.

For the even more technically minded (and security-paranoid), you can
setup your own automated backups to your own S3 account using a Ruby
(this works really well, but the setup isn't for the faint hearted).
If you want to backup a lot of data, this might be better.

As an added bonus, iiNet doesn't seem to count uploads to your
bandwidth allocation.

S3 is incredibly low cost. We use it for offsite backup for hundreds
of Gb of material and the monthly bill is around $5. Quite amazing

If you get your head around these approaches, you can have your
offsite backups fully automated - big bonus if you run a business
online. And web enabled file sharing to boot.


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