Running an intel iMac on 10.5.5
I can't remember when the problem with AppleWorks 6.2.9 started on the iMac but here it is: I opened an existing document and then selected Page Setup. Made my choice and clicked OK. The contents of the document seemed to slip to the left and leave me with a dark grey page. At the time I was using an OKIPage 8 printer that is on my wife's iBook G4 on 10.4.11 power PC. There is no driver for the OKI on intel. Assuming this was the problem I tried the same procedure for the Epson Stylus C61 which has a driver on my computer and is connected to my computer. Same result. Thinking the existing document might be corrupted in some way I tried a new document but got the same result.
Suggestions appreciated.
"Science teaches that we must see in order to believe, but we must also believe in order to see."

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