I agree with Peter. Stanza on the iPhone is a revelation compared to the Kindle which has so many disadvantages even if we had wireless connectivity for it here.

The Kindle is huge, angular, the screen is black and white only and isn't backlit(!), and the device is really single purpose (the beta web browser is a joke) and it doesn't easily run other software, and it is expensive.

I far prefer to have my library of books sitting on my iPhone instantly accessible wherever I am because I always have my iPhone with me. The iPhone has the same 160 dpi resolution as the Kindle so the text is just as clear. The screen is smaller on the iPhone but I don't find that to be a problem at all and being able to do so much more with it - phone, iPod, web, email, apps etc makes it a far better choice.

The free Stanza software for the iphone has a large online library of free ebooks and it can play back or convert most other ebook formats. I buy all my scfi ebooks from baen.com for about $6 each and they don't have annoying DRM and display nicely in Stanza.

Hopefully "The Steve" will finally drop the other shoe and admit that there are many who do still read books and add textual ebooks to the iTunes store sometime in the future to make the whole system even more streamlined.


Sent from my iPhone

On 14/10/2008, at 8:09 AM, Peter Hinchliffe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 13/10/2008, at 6:25 PM, Ken Jackson wrote:

I didn't check that Neil, our Son sent it from LA, if it's not available now
will only be a matter of time like the I Phone I guess,


Alternatively there's Stanza (http://www.lexcycle.com), which is available for the iPhone and iPod Touch, and can read Kindle documents.


Peter Hinchliffe        Apwin Computer Services
FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Perth, Western Australia
Phone (618) 9332 6482    Fax (618) 9332 0913
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