We have an Epson scanner which has the little lightbox for negatives
or strips of film included. It has also worked very well. We've had it
for a few years, and it wasn't expensive, I expect there are ones on
the market now.
On 26/10/2008, at 6:31 AM, Skehan Adrian wrote:
Scanning old B&W negatives can be easily done without expensive
scanners, I saw a demonstration of this a few years ago at a WAGS
computer group meeting and the results were impressive. It
consisted of a standard type scanner and software and a wooden box
painted white inside with a light bulb fitted inside. The box can
be made to the desired size but some investigation may be needed to
determine the best light bulb to use. It worked a treat.
On 25/10/2008, at 8:15 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
Hi David,
I've just scanned an old photo of my late Dad, it was taken during
the World War 11 1939-1945, he was in the RAAF.
The original photo is fairly yellowed, it's approx 3"x5" size.
I've taken three scans of it, one was scanned at 300 dpi using
Epson Scan.app v3.4.5 (comes with included software) using the Full
Auto Mode, with Dust Removal & Color Restoration ticked.
Two was scanned at 600 dpi using Epson Scan.app 3.4.5 using Full
Auto Mode, with Dust Removal & Color Restoration ticked.
Three was scanned at 300 dpi using Epson Scan.app v3.4.5 using
Professional Mode, with Unsharp Mask-Medium, Descreening, Color
Restoration & Backlight correct all ticked.
If you like I can email them privately to you. Email me off list if
you want them sent please.
On 25/10/2008, at 1:18 PM, David Wood wrote:
Hi Ronni,
Just enquiring as to the scanning quality with this new Epson. I,
like I guess many others, in the aging bracket, have 100's if not
1,000's of photos in old albums that I would like to bring back to
life and digitally enhance. The problem is finding someone who
has had good experience with scanning photos and good results.
Would be very interested in your thoughts on this new machine as
wireless for me would be the way to go.
Also to any other Wamuggers who have good scanning experiences and
can make a recommendation.
On 25/10/2008, at 12:00 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
Hello People,
For people interested in being able to wirelessly Print / Scan /
Copy (no cables attached to computer), I recommend purchasing the
above printer from Daniel Kerr (MacWizardry).
After a disastrous few days without a Multi Function Printer after
my Epson RX700 died last Saturday (why does equipment decide to
die on week-ends?).
Daniel (of MacWizardry) pulled out all stops and went beyond the
call of duty, allowing me to use his MF Printer so I could print
my designed labels onto some DVD's to complete a job I had to
deliver on Monday.
Daniel contracted the wholesaler (when they opened) on Monday and
rushed up to pickup the NEW Epson Stylus Photo TX700W MFP Wireless
Printer (that has just arrived in WA).
Which I then picked up from Daniel's and after a few hours of
unpacking, installing the TX700W Software & Drivers, I was back in
Setting it up to Connect to my Airport Wireless Network took a
little longer (the instructions were a little confusing), but
perseverance paid off and eventually I had TX700W connecting to my
Airport Network (using Ethernet Cable connected to my Remote
Airport Base Station) and I was Printing / Scanning / copying /
print to Disc / .... Wirelessly ... no cables connected to my
MacBook Pro!
I loved my Epson RX700, but, he only lasted 3 years and cost $699AU
The NEW Epson Stylus Photo TX700W MFP Wireless Printer only costs
$299AU ...
If you look at the flash movie it says "'Carefree wireless
connection' A wireless LAN module enables printer sharing among
multiple users at home or in the office. An array of functions,
including scanning, copying & printing can be used on a wireless
network ...."
To be able to wirelessly Print / Scan / Copy on a wireless network.
Now that is TERRIFIC!
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