-- I've been building up experience of burning large EyeTV recordings
to DVD, and am wondering if Alex's problem is due to limited free disc

-- Smaller (under 4GB) recordings can usually be burnt directly (and
fairly quickly) to DVD by clicking on the 'Toast' icon in EyeTV.
Larger ones can be tackled as below, but these methods need plenty of
spare disc working space. Whenever I've had burning problems, it's
always been when disc space has been lowish.

-- Recordings can be large for at least 2 reasons. Many broadcasts are
now in High Density, 1920 x 1080, instead of Standard Density, 720 x
576. A 1-hour HD recording may be 8 GB, and so cannot be burnt
directly to a 4.7 GB DVD by EyeTV. Also, SD recordings over about 1 hr
40 min may not actually fit on a standard DVD, and the process may
fail or give unexpected ending problems.

-- Both cases can be successfully dealt with in a 2-stage process.
First, Export the edited recording from EyeTV as a Quicktime Movie
(standard target is your Documents folder). The Quicktime Movie may be
even larger than the original recording, so if this is 18 GB, you may
need 22 GB or more elbow-room.

-- Then, open Toast (selecting DVD-Video) and drag the .mov file over
to the burn window. Toast will normally compress the file to fit on
the DVD, whether it was originally HD or was just a long SD (say 2.5
hours). Both stages can take a long time (hours), it's usually the
last operation I set in motion before leaving the computer.

-- Probably this method will break down under some conditions, so far
it's always worked for me. Larger recordings may show some loss in
definition (usually quite bearable).  EyeTV 2.5.3, Toast 8.0.4, OS X
10.5.5. Hope this helps.

David Noel / 2008 Nov 5

On 5/11/08 1:00 AM, "Alex Novakovic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Wamuggians
> Trying to burn a TV show recorded with EyeTV and stored on a WD Mybook
> 500Gb ext HD - coming up with the above message. Have googled the
> message and get multitude of pages but not that error in the first 5
> pages. Assuming if not near top of list, it is not there? Can anyone
> assist with this error message, please?
> I have been having all sorts of problems with EyeTV/Toast ever since I
> tried to burn two separate shows one after the other. On the iMac, if
> I try to get into the editor of EyeTV, I just get the turning wheel
> forever, and can't even force quit or access other windows and
> eventually just have to power off to restart the computer. With the
> MacBook Pro, I can get into the editor but takes a long time, and
> often get a message saying that the WD Mybook has disconnected. I am
> suspicious of this message as sometimes it isn't disconnected? I
> tried deleting (from Applications Folder)& reinstalling both
> programmes but nothing seems to have improved. Are there bits of files
> elsewhere that I should also have deleted?
> The WD HD is connected to a router rather than to either of the
> computers. iMac is 10.4.11, Macbook Pro is 10.5.5, Toast 7, EyeTV
> 2.5.3 on Pro & EyeTV 1.8.6 on iMac.
> Many thanks in advance, Alex
> Alex Novakovic
Hi Alex

I don't have an answer for the error code, but one thing I would try (If
possible) is to direct connect the hard drive to one of the computers and
try it that way, eg USB2 or Firewire.
See if you get the same error or message.
This will help rule out if it's the software or something else.
Eg, if it works fine then you know the drive is fine and the software is
fine and then you'd need to look at why it faults when on the router.
If you still get the same errors from a direct connection then it could be
something with the drive itself.

That should at least get you started to tracking it down.
Hope that helps.

Kind Regards
Daniel Kerr

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