Hi all,

Anybody got any thoughts on how to get my system back to downloading .csv
files as "kind" = "text"?

Anybody know how, when or by what the file "kind" of the downloaded file is
actually set - because I don't really know where to look for any preferences
which have been changed to cause this.

As per my previous post, I have now worked out how to change the file kind
of the files already downloaded - so I now have the "fix" - I'd just like to
remove the actual problem!!


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063

on 23/11/08 5:09 PM, Neil Houghton at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi Ronni,
> The thing is quicklook has no problem seeing all my .csv files which were
> downloaded before "something' changed when I re-installed everything in
> October.
> So my Commsec .csv files downloaded previous to the problem appearing show
> just fine in quicklook ie file type 1) in my original post:
> - Get info shows "kind" as "text" and "open with" as "Microsoft Excel"
> - Get info icon is an Excel icon
> But since the re-install and my telling finder to open all .csv with Excel
> (I'm not sure of the chicken & egg effect here) my Commsec .csv files
> download differently - ie file type 2) in my original post:
> - Get info shows "kind" as "Microsoft Excel Document" and "open with" as
> "Microsoft Excel"
> - Get info icon is a  blank page icon
> So my problem is not getting quicklook to preview .csv files
> (comma-separated values) - which after all are basically just (delimited)
> text files - as long as the file "kind" is "text" both quicklook and the get
> info preview pane can handle the .csv file just fine.
> The problem is that now the .csv files are downloading with the file "kind"
> as "Microsoft Excel Document"
> Excel itself doesn't care and opens up both types (as a microsoft
> application it possibly only works on the .csv extension?) and, in fact, is
> the default application set to "open with" for both file types.
> Quicklook (and the get info preview pane) however must expect a "Microsoft
> Excel Document" to have a certain format - and presumably deal with it
> accordingly (so they display real .xls excel files just fine) - so,
> presumably, since the .csv files don't meet their expectations they just
> show a generic "blank page" document preview.
> In other words, the way I see it, the problem is not trying to work out how
> to get quicklook to view .csv files - it does that just fine as long as it
> knows it is a text file - the problem is how to get the .csv files to
> download as "text" files rather than "Microsoft Excel Document" files.
> For the files that are already downloaded, I expect that I can eventually
> track down some terminal script to change the file "kind" - in the meantime
> I have no problems opening the files so I can live without the quicklook
> preview.
> What I am really trying to find out here is how to get my original download
> parameters back so that the .csv files just normally download as file "kind"
> = "text" - which is how it was all working until last month!
> The problem is that during the download process, I don't know how, when or
> by what the file "kind" of the downloaded file is set so I don't really know
> where to look for any preferences which have been changed to cause this.
> Anybody got any ideas on this one?
> Cheers
> Neil

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