On 29/12/2008, at 12:36 AM, Steven Knowles wrote:

Hoping someone can explain to me why, when I double click on a zip file, Archive Utility creates a cpgz file of equal size?

I've looked at Archive Utility's preferences, but there are no obvious settings to tweak. At the moment my workaround is to manually decompress the zip file with Stuffit Expander, but it would be better if Archive Utility would decompress zip files automatically.

I realise I can change the system such that Stuffit Expander is the default application to decompress zip files, but is this the only option? It makes sense to me to have MacOS built in functions be the default.

Hi Steven,

Are you saying that all zip files are having problems or is just some failing to unzip correctly?

Maybe the file is corrupt or was made by a pc user with a proprietary zip format that is not compatible?

Make your own zip file and see if you can open it correctly.

Download another zip file and see if you can open it.

Archive Utility supports these formats:
 bom (.bom) [1]
 bzip2 (.bz, .bz2)
 cpgz (cpio gziped)
 cpio (.cpio)
 gz (.gzip, .gz)
 tar (.tar)
 tgz (tar gziped)
 tbz, tbz2 (tar bziped)
 compress (.Z)
 ZIP (.zip) – password-protected ZIP archives are not supported

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