I seem to have now authorized 5 computers with my iTunes.
I think at least 2 of them no longer belong to me.
Question 1 ­ Can I de-authorise all and then go back and individually
authorise the macs I am now using?
Question 2 ­ Does an iPod and an iPhone count in that 5 machines I am
allowed to authorise? Or is it just computers?

Many thanks

Just did some searching and here's what I found:
Q1 Answer = "YES" I think
Q2 Answer = No Ipod iphone don't count

Authorizing a computer to play iTunes Store purchases
To play purchases from the iTunes Store, you must authorize your computer
using your iTunes Store account and password. (Authorization helps protect
the copyrights of the purchased items.)

You can authorize up to five computers (Macintosh, Windows, or both) at a
time. To play a purchased item on a sixth computer, you need to deauthorize
another one. An iPod doesn't count as a computer.

You can authorize or deauthorize a computer at any time. Be sure to
deauthorize a computer before you sell it or give it away.

Here are ways to authorize or deauthorize a computer:

To authorize a computer to play iTunes Store purchases, choose Store >
Authorize Computer.

To deauthorize a computer, choose Store > Deauthorize Computer.

To deauthorize a computer to play spoken programs purchased from the Audible
website, choose Advanced > Deauthorize Audible Account.

If you forgot to deauthorize a computer you no longer own, you can
deauthorize all your authorized computers at once. You can use this method
once a year.

Choose Store > View My Account, and then click Deauthorize All. If you don’t
see this option, it’s because you don’t have five authorized computers.


Rod Blitvich  - Amy & Sam’s Dad
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 0409 681 256  

A Life? Cool! Where can I download one of those from?


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