Hi Derek - yes I have it and there are a few 'issues' despite all their marketing hype: you _do_ need to redesign your layouts for the smaller screen of course but FMtouch doesn't listen to their own guidelines (well they aren't exactly their own but are recommended by them). There is a table view available on FM-touch that is almost unreadable because of the font size but also their use of margins; or lack of them. But table views translated to FMtouch behave more like List-view layouts with only one record viewable at a time. I haven't chased this up on any of the forums yet.

Synch with a reasonable sized DB does take time - I have a DB with about 36k records in one of its tables and the initial sync takes probably 20min although I haven't timed it precisely, preferring to let it get on with it. Any changes in your layouts involve wiping all the data and resynching.

I have another DB that really should be in the main DB but hasn't got there yet mainly because it works quite fine that way as an external DB on the laptop; not so on FMtouch. So until I sort that out I am living with missing fields. Some fields don't behave as you'd like either: I have a scrollable text field that is very unpredictable on the iPhone. The scroll bar is not visible so there is considerable frustration in jumping between edit mode and browse when you try to read it; for some reason it seems to have become fixed at about 2 lines in the FMtouch version of the layout and there also seems to be a problem with moving between records with the text in that field persisting from one record to the next! Weird stuff!

Scripting and calculated fields are not fully supported as you'll know but they are improving. And there is integration with resident apps like your address book and Mail; and Safari if you want it.

So far I am only using FMtouch to look stuff up not to edit or add records so my needs are pretty simple but even so I have a way to go before I can say I'm happy with it…

I suppose on the positive side (for me) - it only cost $75 when I bought it ;)

And I've grown fonder of FM Mobile (in all its simplicity) that I still use occasionally on the Palm

peter meyer
0408 902349

On 06/02/2009, at 7:51 AM, Derek Y-E wrote:

Hi Wamug folks.

Has anyone tried at FMTouch yet, for running Filemaker apps on the iPhone / iPod Touch?



PS. $89.99. Ouch.

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