Can you tell me where the meeting will be held? Thanks
On 02/03/2009, at 3:47 PM, Peter Hinchliffe wrote:

Tomorrow night (3 March) is WAMUG's Annual General Meeting. Accordingly, we are looking for new Committee members and Office Bearers. If you make to no other WAMUG meeting this year, please try to come along tomorrow night. We urgently need your input and support, and the Committee needs fresh blood!

If you are in any way entrepreneurial, feel that the WAMUG meetings (and WAMUG itself for that matter) are dull, colourless and boring and need something added, feel that you can spare an hour so every month and are keen to see WAMUG continue in its present form, or even in a different form, or have any opinion at all. please consider nominating for a position on the committee. WAMUG Needs You!

Please not also that in order to vote you must be a financial member. You can make the payment of $30 in several ways:

1. By Cheque (made out to Western Australian Macintosh Users Group)

2. By paying Real Money

3. Online by visiting <> and clicking on the red Paymate link on the right of the page

4. By direct Electronic Transfer, the details of which are:
        Bank: Bankwest
        Account Name: Western Australian Macintosh Users Group
        BSB: 306075
        Account Number: 4197787

Once the official part of the evening is dispensed with, we will have a look at the new features of iLife 09. This will probably take up the great of the evening, because there is a great deal to show. iLife is a major upgrade to Apple's perennial showpiece software suite, and while we will be able to cover most of the new additions and changes, there will be much we won't get to cover. For me, the changes in iPhoto alone are worth the price of admission.

Hope to see you there!

Peter Hinchliffe        Apwin Computer Services
FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Perth, Western Australia
Phone (618) 9332 6482    Fax (618) 9332 0913
Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.

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